Year 1 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Year 1

In Year 1, the children begin to access more formal learning. The children are taught skills in line with the National Curriculum which include interactive and practical learning opportunities. We encourage the children to use the skills they have learnt independently within continuous provision.

We encourage our parents to support their child’s ‘journey of discovery’ by entering a home-school partnership which has the child as the focus.  We aim to share children’s achievements and their next steps on a regular basis. This ensures parents are aware of ways in which they can support their child. 


Importance of Year 1

In Year 1, the children begin their journey through the National Curriculum and our aim is for each child to achieve at least the expected national standards.  We have high expectations for each child’s progress, and this is securely based upon the next appropriate steps for them.  We provide extra support for children who are not yet achieving expected levels, but also for those who are exceeding expectations, to provide a challenging and inclusive curriculum for all.  

At the end of Year1, the children undertake a Phonics Screening Check, which assesses their ability to read using the letter sounds they know (phonemes).  In order to support your child, it is essential to read with them at home daily to encourage their progression.


Quotes from students:

“I really love dinosaurs. They are so cool!”

“I love Traction Man because he is brave and helpful!”


Year 1 Events

Visit from T-Rex In the Spring term the children have a surprise dinosaur visit which is   absolutely thrilling!

The children get to interact with Rex, and we get to watch him have his teeth brushed by his owner Mike. Hopefully, Miss Taylor carries around a bag after him just in case he needs a GIANT dinosaur poop!



Visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park – In the Summer term, we take a visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park to see a variety of African animals, relating to our topic ‘ROAR!’ The children get to enjoy some of their favourite animals up close such as giraffes, lions, and leopards. There are even artic animals such as polar bears!


Homework / PE days

We have one indoor and outdoor P.E. lesson every week.  We request that P.E. kits are left at school and returned as soon as possible after the half term.  All children’s belongings must be named so that they can be returned to the owner if they are lost.

Homework is provided each week and can be uploaded to ClassDojo.  We request that parents create time to talk with their child about their Homework, as this is very much embedded in their current learning, Homework will help to secure their further understanding of the current topic.


Water Bottles

Please ensure your child brings a water bottle to school every day. It is their responsibility to take it home and we expect parents to clean the bottle and provide fresh water every day.


Home Reading

It It is vital that book bags are brought to and from school every day.  Your child will bring home two books every week - a reading practice book and a library book. After each read with your child, please log into their reading journal, as this helps them to achieve their reading badges. In your child’s reading journal, there is the list of Y1 reading challenge books, these can be found in the school/ local libraries. Once your child has read, tick/log the book, as at the end of the year they get a trip to Waterstones! 


School Visits and Special Events

Every half-term, we will have memorable experiences for your children to take part in.

Autumn 1 Bring a Favourite Toy to School
Autumn 2 Superhero Day!
Spring 1 Visit from T-Rex!
Spring 2 London Holodeck Experience
Summer 1 Making Fox Dens in the Woodland
Summer 2 Yorkshire Wildlife Park


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