Year 5 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Year 5

When children begin Year 5, they are part of Upper Key Stage 2, which is the final phase of their primary education.  Maths and English, which includes Reading, Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation, as well as Writing, take place daily to ensure children’s skills, knowledge and understanding in the core subjects are fully developed.

This is not the only focus however, as the children need to work hard in all subjects, to achieve the level they are capable of. We encourage adults at home to take an interest in their child’s learning. Therefore, we post a list of recommended activities on Class Dojo, which are linked to the term’s topic work, for children to complete at home. This is not compulsory, but any completed projects will be celebrated in school. Where children require further practice in core skills, such as handwriting or times tables, extra homework will be provided. Children are expected to regularly engage with Times Table Rockstars and Oxford Reading Buddy.

In Year 5, children are encouraged to develop their collaborative skills, as well as being given tasks which encourage them to become more independent in their learning, as they move towards the challenges in Year 6.  In addition, children are encouraged to take greater responsibility through volunteering for junior positions within the school such as Sports Leaders and Wellbeing Champions. This allows our children to develop wider skills and responsibilities.


Time is spent every day sharing engaging stories such as ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ by Michael Morpurgo, ‘Varjak Paw’ by SF Said and ‘There’s a Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom’ by Louis Sachar. Children practice their questioning, summarising and predicting skills, and widen their vocabulary by collecting new words.


In English, children learn a variety of writing styles including persuasion, information, fiction, and poetry. They focus on 6 brilliant books such as ‘The Darkest Dark’ by Chris Hadfield, ‘The Paper Bag Prince’ by Colin Thompson and ‘The Golden Horsemen of Baghdad’ by Saviour Pirotta. They also listen to, learn, recite, and write poems around the themes of The Moon, The Earth, and Magic.


In maths children’s learning is grouped into units such as place value, addition and subtraction, decimals and percentages, fractions, and statistics, with assessments at the end of each unit to track children’s progress. We also have regular arithmetic test practice.


In Science, pupils learn about the properties and changes of materials; comparing, separating and changing different materials depending on their properties. They will look at Earth and space; exploring the solar system, day and night, and the Moon. They explore the different stages of human development as well as changes which occur from birth to old age. Children learn about the life cycles of mammals and other creatures, including different animal and plant reproduction. When looking at Forces, pupils will learn about the effect of air resistance, water resistance and friction as well as exploring mechanisms including levers, pulleys and gears.

Foundation Subjects

In history year 5 cover Early Islamic Civilisation, Ancient Greece, and local history. In geography children study world biomes, and fieldwork skills including orienteering in Beaumont Park. Art and DT topics include mixed-media self-portraits, installation sculpture, making pop-up books and healthy cooking. Children continue learning violin in the autumn term and in RE they study topics including special journeys, codes for living and forgiveness. Computing units include video editing, vector drawing, flat file databases. Children are also learning basic words and phrases in Arabic.

Year 5 Events

As part of Safety Rangers, pupils visit the Huddersfield Fire Station to learn about emotional health and wellbeing, general health, road safety, anti-social behaviour and fire safety.

Children have the opportunity to improve their cycling skills when participating in Bikeability. They acquire fundamental skills and develop confidence which will equip the children to cycle safely on today’s roads.

Year 5 Cooking experiences


Science Experiences

We spent a full day exploring and experimenting with plastic and forces as well as designing our own inventions to innovate our futures. 

Loop Machine.jpg Girl with Bucket.jpg


Quotes from children:

"We do lots of fun things like cooking."

"We read lots of really fun books in Year 5 like Secrets of the Sun King."



Year 5 children spend the year learning to swim at a local pool and we ask for parental support to ensure children have their swimming kit ready for the session. They need to arrive at school wearing their costume underneath their uniform and bring their towel and swimming hat. 

Y5 also have a PE session in school.  On their PE day, your child needs to come to school wearing their PE kit, which consists of black tracksuit bottoms or leggings and a white T-shirt., with their green school jumper. Please ensure all clothing is labelled.


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