Safeguarding Leads



Mount Pleasant is committed to safeguarding and promoting the mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing of all children. As part of our expectations all staff members, including temporary staff, volunteers and governors share this obligation and therefore have a full and active role in protecting our pupils from harm and ensuring their welfare is our paramount concern.

We have numerous policies and procedures in place which ensure we are following Safeguarding rules in accordance. Some of these policies include: Behaviour and Relationships, General Data Protection Regulation, Keeping Children Safe in Education and the Safeguarding Policy are available to view on the Policies page of our School website.

At Mount Pleasant, the Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Sobia Ashtiaq (Deputy Headteacher).

The following staff are Deputy DSLs at the school: 

  • Mrs Naeem Nazir (Headteacher)
  • Mrs Sarah Turner (Assistant Headteacher)
  • Mrs Joanne Gamble (Assistant Headteacher)
  • Mrs Sinead Robbin-Smith (EYFS Lead)

From the School Governing Body, the person who takes the Safeguarding Lead is Mr Paul Tonner.